Spicy Hot Chocolate


about 3-4 tbs. of some form of sweetened, vegan cocoa 
dash of cinnamon 
dash of nutmeg 
small amount of vanilla extract 
vanilla soy milk (or your favourite milk subst.)


Mix as much of the soy beverage as you'll need for number of people. I just make it for myself, so about 1 cup. Add a few heaping teaspoon or tablespoons full of your chocolate choice. If unsweetened, add the amount of sweetener you desire, but also note that it will probably be really sweet. I make mine with vanilla silk, and then go and add a half tsp. of vanilla extract. After whisking the mixture as you would pudding, stir until it's well disolved, adding the other ingredients whenever you like. Serves: as many as you like to make it for Preparation time: 10 min