Cebuano Achara


green papaya shredded 
onions sliced 
red pepper sliced 
carrots, julienned 
cider vinegar 
whole black pepper


Boil shredded papaya in vinegar. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer some more. This is what I remember my mother used to do: After shredding the papaya, I think she she first soaked them in salt overnight. I remember she used to make them into balls. After this overnight soaking, she then squeezed the juice out of the shreds and then boiled them in vinegar. She then added the other ingredients after which she put them into sterilized jar, painstakingly arranging the vegetable cut-outs. By the way, if you don't have papaya, you can substitute with broccoli stalks. Don't throw out those tough brocolli stalks. Shred them and make achara! Charing!