Russian Pancakes


2- 1/2 cups flour 

1 Tablespoons sugar 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/3 cup butter 

1 pkg. dry yeast 

1 1/2 cups milk 

1/4 cup water 

3 egg yolks slightly beaten 

3 egg whites stiffly beaten 


Scald milk, add butter, cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water until bubbly. Add to milk mixture. Mix. Add salt, sugar, and flour. Beat 2 minutes. Add beaten egg yolks and beat for several minutes more. Cover and put in a warm place to rise until double; about an hour. Stir batter down. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Let stand 10 minutes. Clarify some butter and use for oiling griddle. Pour about 1/4 cup batter onto lightly greased non-stick fry pan. Bake until puffed and bubbly and light brown. Turn and fry until other side is browned. Only turn once. Do not use too much grease on the griddle. It is also suggested that you skim the batter from the top. Don’t dig down into the bowl. Serve with sweetened raspberries or strawberries and sour cream. Place berries and cream in center of pancake and roll up. You may use whipped cream. Or serve with choice of toppings, including caviar, jam, maple syrup, and even thin slices of smoked salmon and sour cream.