Guisadong Nangka


1/4 kg. unripe jackfruit (langka), chopped 
2 tbsps. cooking oil 
1 tsp. garlic, minced 
1 medium onion, diced 
4 small tomatoes, diced 
100 g. pork liempo, diced 
100 g. medium shrimps 
1 tbsp. bagoong alamang 
1 MAGGI Shrimp Broth Cube, dissolved in 
1 cup water 
1 cup CARNATION Evaporated Milk 


1. Squeeze langka with salt. Wash thoroughly to remove bitter taste. 2. Heat cooking oil and saute garlic, onion and tomatoes. 3. Add pork, shrimp and bagoong. When meat is cooked, add langka, and broth. Simmer about 5 minutes then pour in CARNATION Evaporated Milk.